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This year for the first time, we are introducing the Baby Bottle Bonanza! This fundraiser is similar to the Baby Bottle Boomerang we have been doing for many years! So how is this different? Instead of providing physical baby bottles to churches and organizations, this event will be entirely VIRTUAL (online) and will involve individual fundraisers rather than churches and organizations.

Each fundraiser (an individual or family) is provided with an online donation page. Friends, family members, and co-workers can visit to make a donation by credit card. Each individual will establish their own goal amount which will be reflected on the web site. As donations are made, a virtual online baby bottle will fill showing the progress toward their goal. Our overall goal is $50,000!

The event began the week of May 7 and will run the remaining 34 weeks of 2023 to coincide with our 34 years of service in the community. Fundraisers can begin and end anytime. Some fundraisers might choose to have their campaign coincide with an event like a birthday and might ask for donations in lieu of a gift. Others might offer a good or service and ask for donations instead of a payment. Others might just use social media, texting, or e-mailing to ask for donations. This is a simple and fun way for our faithful supporters to help us raise funds for this amazing ministry.

In the Old West, a BONANZA resulted in an increase in wealth or profit. Join us as we seek a modern day bonanza so we can continue to provide much-needed services for families facing difficult pregnancy decisions in complicated circumstances. Lives are saved and transformed daily – and you can be our “pardner” in this amazing work!


If you have questions, please contact Bobbi Grubb at [email protected] or phone 805-439-2511.