A personal invitation from our Executive Director ...
Why should you attend?
Rather than allow Covid-19 to completely shut down our 2020 Fundraising Event, we decided to move it ONLINE. Now you may attend from the comfort, safety, and convenience of your home! The Board of Directors and staff of Safe Harbor Pregnancy Medical Center invite you to join us online for this inspiring evening.
By attending, you’ll be . . .
- INSPIRED by Dr. Lile’s knowledge of and passion for human life.
- EDUCATED about Safe Harbor’s ministry, founded in 1989 to protect the lives of the unborn and to minister the love of Christ to families in NW Florida.
- EQUIPPED and EMPOWERED to make a greater life-saving impact than ever before.
- MOTIVATED to support this important work at this crucial time. During this event, you’ll have the opportunity to make a one-time donation or a pledge for ongoing support.
IMPORTANT: Due to the Coronavirus, we were forced to cancel our in-person banquet scheduled in April, 2020. Then we had to reschedule our virtual event due to Hurricane Sally. This annual event is mission-critical to our life-saving work. The absence of a similar event would be devastating to our ability to save and touch lives. To help us in this crucial time, please register and attend this free online event. If you have a computer or mobile device and an Internet connection, you can easily join us. Please spread the word to everyone you know!
Click here to learn more about the ministry of Safe Harbor